
Starting Hearts offers a variety of programs for learners of all ages. Our school age presentations help even the youngest children learn the Call.Push.Shock. response, and our older students develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills. Our college campus program is coordinated in conjunction with the Alpha Phi sorority chapters, currently on four campuses. For adult learners, we offer both online and in-person sessions to learn the Call.Push.Shock.™ response to cardiac arrest through businesses, clubs, service organizations, and public events. Select the program that works to meet your needs, or call our office and we will tailor something especially for you.

Have a Look

Call.Push.Shock.™ Student Programs

Grade k-3

Our youngest learners become familiar with the Call.Push.Shock.™ response and learn to respond to the emergency of sudden cardiac arrest.  An animated presentation engages them as they learn about the heart and how to use a defibrillator. This is a self-paced, online course. Does not include manikin or defib trainers.


Grade 4-5

After a review of the prior lesson in the life-saving skills using the Call.Push.Shock.™  response, students learn to incorporate teamwork skills.  The characters in the animated story who were introduced in the primary grades have grown and now are able to participate more in the life saving procedures. This is a self-paced, online course. Does not include manikin or defib trainers.


Grade 6-8

In middle school, students practice the Call.Push.Shock.™  response while focusing on the  skills leadership and teamwork as they learn how interaction, working together and clear communication can save a life.  They see the structure and function of the heart, and the importance of good exercise, food choices, and safe activities. This is a self-paced, online course. Does not include manikin or defib trainers.


Grade 9-12

The high school program continues with the themes of leadership, teamwork, communication and interactive life-saving skills.  Students become aware of the causes, sign and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, including drug use, injury, electrocution and accidents.   Students learn to recognize the dangers of making risky choices, how to alert their peers and recognize when they can change behaviors toward better outcomes. This is a self-paced, online course. Does not include manikin or defib trainers.


Adult Training Course

The Call.Push.Shock.™ course for adults captures the essence of how the heart functions, how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a victim of sudden cardiac arrest and how to start effective compressions and use a defibrillator to save a life.  Awareness that a sudden cardiac arrest can happen at any age, to anyone and without warning motivates the learner to become adept at life-saving skills.  This comprehensive, engaging video presentation takes the mystery out of what to do and readies the participant to save a life in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.


Llamar.Presionar.Descargar. Del curso de formación para adultos

El curso Call.Push.Shock.™ para adultos captura la esencia de cómo funciona el corazón, cómo reconocer los signos y síntomas de una víctima de un paro cardíaco repentino y cómo iniciar compresiones efectivas y usar un desfibrilador para salvar una vida. La conciencia de que un paro cardíaco repentino puede ocurrir a cualquier edad, a cualquier persona y sin previo aviso motiva al alumno a convertirse en un experto en habilidades para salvar vidas. Esta presentación en video completa y atractiva elimina el misterio de qué hacer y prepara al participante para salvar una vida en caso de un paro cardíaco repentino.



(School licensing only)

The K-12 bundle package is a site-wide license that makes the entire Call.Push.Shock.™ curriculum, instructor guides, Train the Trainer module, activities, certificates of achievement, and resources available to your school or school district. With real time access to all components, teachers can establish their own custom schedule for presentation to select grade level throughout the school year.
To learn more, click the button below to fill out a contact form and we'll respond to you right away! We're here to serve.
If your school has licensed with Starting Hearts, click “Add to Cart” and enter the license code provided by your school.


(Approved Independent Instructors only)

The Independent Instructor bundle package is a site-wide license that makes the entire Call.Push.Shock.™ curriculum, instructor guides, Train the Trainer module, activities, and resources available to you and your classes. With real time access to all components, you can establish your own custom schedule and begin teaching!
To learn more, click the button below to fill out a contact form and we'll respond to you right away!
If you are already approved by Starting Hearts to be an Independent Instructor, click “Add to Cart” and enter the license code provided by Starting Hearts.


(Approved Independent Instructors only 50 minimum purchase)